Tuesday, October 21, 2008
All of that said, today I'm tired, I just had a fight with my tired husband and it feels like there is no peace in our life. I'm learning exactly why the Lord wants the mother in the home. It's not easy being at home, however, it's more peaceful. A lot more peaceful, a lot less stressful. I realize I am working full time, and I have been hoping for a part time job, but I now think that it wouldn't be that different in the long run. And the idea would be to build the program and eventually be full time when Gracie is in school. I don't know if working is for me. I have seriously learned to appreciate what my husband has been going through everyday ever since we got married. Working to me is--not having the choice who you see everyday. Working is dealing with selfish people that lie, and are only looking out for themselves (yet like to appear they are looking out for you). Working has influenced me in bad ways. For the first time in my life there are people I really don't like, and people I don't trust. People I used to love, I have learned talk out of both sides of their mouth and say what people want to hear, not what really is. Even though I only live in Firth, it is still the world, and I don't know if I want to be in it. I have become negative, hateful, and angry. I have never been those things before. I have become a cynic.
So my question is "Am I suffering from 'the other side is greener' syndrome?" Or am a seeing things clearly? If I went back home, full time, would I sink back into my depression that I've been fighting for years, but not the last two? I honestly don't have time to get depressed right now. My mind is constantly thinking of everything I have to do. It doesn't have time to think about depressing things. But then, I don't have enough time to create peace, or atleast allow peace to enter my home. Is it possible to achieve balance?
I went to the temple last Saturday. I accidentally went to the Spanish session. Whoops! They had monitors with the English words on it. I went praying to know why I had to go back to school. I was praying and begging and pleading and I looked up at the monitor and I saw, "I know not save the Lord commanded it." It was as if those words were in flashing neon lights. So once again I know I am doing the right thing.
I don't know what to pray for anymore. It seems like I don't even know how to pray.
On lighter note, I lost 4 pounds last week. So miracles still happen everyday, even to me.
Love you all.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Intrenched in Firthite Life
I know you're all dying to know my schedule. Here goes.
5th grade music (where I teach Aliese 1-2 times a week)
Elementary school music (where I teach Anna 1 time a week)
6th grade band
7th/8th grade band
High School Choir
Most days, I love it. Some days I feel worthless or pointless, that the kids didn't learn anything, or have any fun. But then there are days, where I know they learned something and I had fun and I can hear them singing in the halls, something that I taught them, and it makes it all worth it. Shirley claims it will be easier when I have a pay check. Sounds sensible. I don't know though. On the hard days, when I'm exhausted, there's no food in the house, and no clean poats to cook on anyway, I am convinced I shouldn't work after I'm certified, and give up this whole big mess I got myself into. However, when I pray about it I am still convinced I am supposed to be doing what I'm doing. I seriously have never been so confused in all my life.
Anna is almost to the end of a 14 day goal of "yes days". What is a "yes day" you might be asking. A "yes day" is a day when Anna goes all day without saying no. You know those toddlers that only say "no" all day long? Well, Anna was never like that at ages 1 and 2, but must be a late bloomer because she is very good at saying no now. The reward at the end of the 14 days (she made a chart to keep track) is a tea party with her friends. It has been wonderful. So much less fighting. The party is set for Wednesday.
Aliese seems to be doing really good. She is emailing a friend from school on a pretty regular basis, loves her teacher and the new lunch choices at the middle school.
Gracie....sigh....I miss her and love her! She is such a delight. She just asked if she could watch a Dora upstairs and assured me she wouldn't be scared (shaking her head with large eyes).
I've started Twilight again. I'm almost done with the first book. I usually don't read books twice, especially so soon after reading it the first time. However, if I read a book I haven't read, I have a hard time putting it down, and I don't have time for that. So because I already know the end to the Twilight series, I can enjoy it without inhaling it. It's actually a lot funnier the second time too. I'm catching a lot of innuendos about vampires, that totally went over my head before.
For anyone that's interested, I will be at the beach house September 28 through October 4. I can't wait to sink my feet into the sand and smell the salty, seaweedy, wet air.
I'm tired. I love you all. Goodnight!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Love you all
Summer's Over : (
Last week I attended Choral Academy at BYU (in Provo). Oh, where to start, where to end? I love BYU, love the choral department there, the "School of Music" caliber vs. a "Dpt. of Music". I love that all of my roommates read their scriptures every night or morning, it was just like being back at school (ha, that's funny, I am back in school, but what I meant was back at school at BYU). Inspiring, loving, respectful, intelligent people at every turn. Is that what the Celestial Kingdom is going to be like? Sorry to those of you who aren't BYU fans, hope you're not barfing now. Maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit, but of course I haven't described the fudge and candy counter yet. Oh the memories......
Back to reality. I just finished my "prep" week, or should I call it "dung out 3 different classrooms" week. Pretty overwhelming. Especially since I don't thrive on organizing and cleaning like Amy does. I have thrown away many garbage cans full, and I'm not even done. However, I'm done for now, because I have to teach starting Monday. So I did write up some lesson plans today finally. I liked that. Since music is the whole point, not being a garbage man (or woman in this case).
So when I was really into Harry Potter I really wanted to be a witch. Then when I was really into Lord of the Rings I wanted to be an elf, or an elf witch like that one in the forest who had one of the rings. Now I'm considering on changing my dreams a little and dreaming of being a vampire. The jury is still out and I haven't officially decided, but vampirism is sounding more tempting than witchcraft at the moment. I'm not sure which part is the most tempting--the strong, invincible, graceful and beautiful body, hidden talents, or just the hot and heavy sex (can you believe how racy it was?!). I'm not sure about the hunting part though.....Mmmmmmmmm. Witches seem to eat a lot better, atleast at Hogwarts.
My family. Well, I didn't think I'd ever say it, but I think we're ready for school. My kids have been fighting a lot lately and it's getting old. Anna will be in 2nd grade! Yikes. And Aliese in the 5th grade which happens to be in the middle school here. However, they keep the 5th graders very separate and they still have recess, unfortunately for Aliese. Gracie will be spending 2-4 days a week with a woman in my ward named Brittnee. I said a prayer and then looked over the roster, and there was her name shouting at me (I've done that method to recruit more choir members too). Brittnee lives around the corner from me and has two little girls. Her oldest daughter is 2 weeks difference in age from Gracie. Her name is Abby and they are good friends in nursery. Brittnee seems to be excited about it. She's very laid back and a happy sort of person. She has a brand new unfurnished house, so hopefully extra money will be motivating to her and she will stick with us. We were so blessed with my friend Joan last year, and we feel very blessed to have Brittnee this year. Because of Darin's weird schedule, he'll be home a few days during the week. That makes it a lot easier.
One cute thing Gracie said recently referring to a lipgloss, "Mommy, I promise I won't lost it. Promise Mommy." I love the amazing transformation of language in a child. It is such a miracle to me. In some ways it is an overnight learning process, in other ways it is so gradual.
My garden is typical in that some things are thriving and some things aren't. However, whenever I go out there I feel peace and calm and I don't want to leave it.
The girls successfully completed four sessions of swimming lessons this summer which is 8 weeks. Shirley says that Aliese has the same form as Michael Phelps. For those in my family that don't know who that is--shame on you. Aliese and Anna have both made tremendous strides with their swimming. Another miracle in the Leslie family.
We register for ballet next week. I'm so excited. It's a studio run by two sisters. It's artistic, they're educated, and it's real art. Unlike the pathetic so called dance Anna did last year. I'm hoping they'll like it and stick with it for atleast a few years. I love ballet. They actually dance to real music, not hip hop rap, or whatever that kind of music is.
The reunion. Fabulous. I had such a good time. It went by so fast that I have to concentrate to remember any of it. : ( But when I do concentrate, I do remember it. Especially the activities like the story telling (since my girls were the stars), the shirt painting (watching my brothers in law paint was amazing) and of course the swimming and all of the eating. It was way fun and I wish we could do it more often. Thank you Jacob and Lyndsey.
Who knows when I'll post again. It's all I can do to get up in the morning. I love you all and miss you. Bye!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Summer is really here
I am almost done with a sandbox. I built it. I put the sand in it. I filled in dirt around the sides (it is in the ground). I am amazing. And yes, we will be covering it to keep the cats out. This morning Darin and I went around to the back of Dennis' land where it is basically a sand pit. However, you'd be amazed what will grow in sand. So basically I broke up the sod (wild field grass), and Darin dug and loaded up the truck. Hard work. But it was free, and good sand. Long story short, I think I am amazing, and Darin thinks this whole project is annoying, and up until yesterday I was going to get the sand myself. Then he decided he would help me, and thank goodness he did or I would never have finished. The kids love it and have played in it already. I'm just finishing putting a border of cinder blocks around it.
I woke up with a headache, probably from dehydration from not drinking enough while working in the heat. I actually had it all night, and started the day with an excedrin. I'm not sure if it's the excedrin, or starting the day with a shovel in my hand, but I've had so much energy. I made homemade hot dog buns (I've always wanted to do that, don't ask me why), homemade lemonade (with honey of course), some healthy cookies (sweetened with honey and molasses), and worked hours on the sandbox. And I have energy left, this is seriously a rarity.
We are having a barbecue tonight, at the girls request. Hot dogs, not hamburgers. Also their request. I really like hot dogs, if they are good hot dogs.
Yesterday we went to the movie together with the girls. We saw Ratatouie, very funny for an adult, the kids didn't get any of the jokes, and it was about 20 minutes too long, but otherwise, good. Our cheap theater is running a kid's movie deal, 12 tickets for $8! And Gracie is free! The movies are older kids movies, but still at the theater, so we still have enough tickets left for two more movies. Of course we got popcorn and pop. On the way to the movie both the older girls said, one after the other, "I brought my money and I'm going to buy candy." I was impressed and told them so, and then Gracie said, very worried, "Daddy, I didn't bring my money." Very cute. The kids shared their candy with her though, they were very generous.
Aliese and Anna have been in swimming lessons the last two weeks, and actually have improved a lot. Aliese dove off the diving board yesterday in the deep end! That is very exciting news, since she is usually hesitant with athletics. They've really loved it. However, last week it was really rough. One day it snowed, so they had a "safety day", teaching them about water safety. The other days they came out with their lips blue, literally, and shivered for an hour afterwards. But miraculously, summer has arrived. So now it is better. We're siging them up for another session. If we don't go broke over it, we actually plan on signing them up for the whole summer.
My garden. I built a new 4 x4 raised bed out of Trex, on Saturday. I planted carrots, parsnips, and onions in it. A few weeks ago I built a 4x 8 (or so) raised bed out of big rocks that Brandt didn't want. It looks really cool, not nearly as sturdy as the Trex, but a lot cheaper (free). I planted a bunch of herbs, green beans, lettuce and arugala in it. We already had planted tomatoes in previously built bed, and we have another one with strawberries. Our strawberries are going crazy and we have some starting to ripen. I can't wait.
The kids are busy reading, writing books, riding their scooters, building their forts (essentially smashing down the field grass and weeds out in the field) and of course being bored. Aliese and Anna have also had two sleepovers in Anna's room together. Darin and I were thrilled that they thought this was fun and a special treat, because they are always complaining about not being able to have sleepovers with friends. Both times I let them make hot cocoa, and stay up as late as they want to encourage contentment with their situation in life. Both times, they slept in until 10:00 the next morning. They used to be so close, and haven't been for about a year. It has made Anna very sad, and I have been praying that they would renew their friendship and my prayers are finally being answered. I love summer. It's just better than the rest of the year.
So last night I was reading gardening books. Two of them I couldn't put down, one in each hand, competing with each other, reading them almost simultaneously, and then I busted out laughing. I had a flashback to when I lived at home and I was noticing all of the gardening books on Mom's shelf, and saying to myself that I wouldn't last one page of those books. My have I changed. I wonder what I'll be like in 10 years. Different again I suppose.
If I allow myself to think about it, I'm crazy homesick. I can't wait for the reunion. I am so excited. For those who are wondering, we will be there Thur. night, and we will be returning on Monday morning. It will be a mad dash in and out because of my school. Arghh. But we will be visiting again, at spud harvest, the end of September or the beginning of October.
I need to sign off and go start the briquettes. Oh how I would love a gas grill. Just add it to the list, that's what Darin says.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Finally Breathing
So my new health kick is eating honey. I did a research paper last month on honey versus sugar. The nuts and bolts of the paper is that sugar is sooooooo bad for you, and honey is soooooooo good for you. There is no comparison. Mom and Lizzie wanted me to post my paper. So hear it goes.
The Sugar Problem and Its Solution
Americans are becoming larger and sicker every year. The
Sugar has many names: sucrose, fructose, glucose, dextrose, galactose, lactose, maltose, invert sugar, raw sugar, turbinado sugar, brown sugar, confectioner's sugar, granulated sugar, corn syrup, and high-fructose corn syrup (Lee, 2008). Sugar is in almost everything Americans eat from hamburger buns to granola. Most people do not realize the enormous quantity of sugar they consume on a daily basis. The United States Department of Agriculture recommends limiting sugar intake to eight teaspoons a day for a 2000-calorie diet (Alleman, 2008). For the average American, their 142 pounds of sugar a year equals 13,632 teaspoons, which works out to be 37 teaspoons a day per person. Thirty-seven teaspoons is four and a half times the daily USDA recommended sugar limit. It is no wonder that Americans are getting fatter each year and suffering from an endless list of ailments.
“White sugar has been linked to mood swings, irritability, headaches, insomnia, fatigue and emotional outbursts” (Turner, 2002, p. 56). Unfortunately, grumpiness and a few aches and pains are not all that sugar can cause. Sugar actually disrupts the body’s chemistry resulting in a terrible imbalance. Sugar affects the way minerals and enzymes work in the body. When the minerals and enzymes are malfunctioning, food is not properly digested. When the food is not digested properly, two things happen: 1) All of the nutrients from the food are not made available to the body; and 2) large food particles that are never fully digested swim around in the bloodstream. The body does not react well to food coursing around and the immune system spends all of its energy on fighting the excess undigested food instead of germs. The result is the body gets sick. (Beckstrom, 1991) “Exhausting and suppressing the immune system is the beginning of the longterm, degenerative, disease process” (Beckstrom, 1991, p. 28).
Perhaps one of the biggest reasons sugar causes so many problems is because of the weight gain associated with its consumption. Weight gain is one of the most significant causes of disease and bad health. The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a way that doctors measure obesity. Dr. James M. Rippe, a cardiologist, has spent the last 25 years trying to lower the incidence of heart disease:
Dozens of scientific and medical organizations have agreed that a BMI between 19 and 24.9 is in the healthy range, a BMI between 25 and 29.9 is overweight, and a BMI of 30 or more is obese. These definitions are based on research showing that the risk of disease goes up when BMI is over 25, and the risk of death increases if BMI goes over 30. As weight goes out of the healthy range, risk increases for heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, several forms of cancer, metabolic syndrome, gallbladder disease and gout. (Weight Watchers, 2005, pp.33, 35)
“Sixty six percent of
An animal study done with rats published in Journal of Food Science revealed new information about honey compared to sugar in relation to weight gain. Forty rats were weighed and divided into four groups. All of the rats were offered the same amount of calories and had a balanced diet of 15-16% protein, 35% fat, and 45-47% carbohydrates. However, the rats’ diets contained different kinds of sugars; a 1) sugar free group, 2) sucrose group (white sugar), 3) mixed sugars group, and a 4) honey group. At the conclusion of the study, the rats that ate sucrose and mixed sugars gained more weight than the other rats. L. M. Chepulis, with Honey Research Unit, Department of Biological Sciences at
The results of this study suggest that there are beneficial effects of replacing sugar with honey in the diet. In particular, overall percentage weight gain in honey-fed rats was similar to that observed in rats fed a sugar-free diet, and was significantly reduced, by 16.7 %, compared with sucrose-fed rats after 6 weeks. As the results of this study demonstrate, the type of sugars that are ingested as a part of the daily diet can have a significant impact on levels of food intake and weight gain during free feeding. Importantly the increased weight gain observed with the mixed sugar-fed rats did not occur in the honey-fed rats even though both treatments had similar food/energy intakes. (2007, pp.226, 227)
It is possible that replacing sugar with honey in Americans’ diets could significantly reduce people’s weight gain. Less weight gain would result in fewer diseases.
Eating honey could not only prevent obesity, but also provide needed nutrition to a malnourished public. “Honey contains at least 181 known substances” (Pratt & Matthews, 2006, p.147). Of these 181 substances, there are many antioxidants. “Previous studies by the researchers suggest that honey may have the same level of disease-fighting antioxidants as that of some common fruits” (Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week, 2004, p. 936). According to Darin Leslie, a physician assistant, antioxidants are essential to health because their job is to kill free radicals, the rogue molecules that damage cells (personal communication, 2008).
The antioxidants in honey also come with enzymes. The enzymes in honey help digest food properly. Honey also increases good bacteria in the colon. Dr. Ronald E. Fessenden, Master of Public Health states: “Different varieties of honey possess a large amount of friendly bacteria (6 species of lactobacilli and 4 species of bifidobacteria), which may explain many of the mysterious therapeutic properties of honey” (Fessenden, 2008). Oligosaccharides in honey help prevent constipation and reduce toxin levels in the intestine. (Pratt & Matthews, 2007) The help that honey gives the body with digestion is the opposite effect of sugar on the body. In order to digest sugar, the body has to rob enzyme stores, which in turn cause problems with digesting other foods. The more sugar that is consumed, the more the body is robbed of essential nutrients, and the harder it has to work to digest food. (Beckstrom, 1991) In a country where pharmacy shelves are lined with expensive antacids and fiber supplements to aid digestion, honey could be a natural alternative. Replacing sugar with honey might very well reduce the number of people suffering from heartburn, acid reflux, and constipation.
Just as honey can help with digestive problems, replacing sugar with honey could help with anxiety and memory. “In a year-long animal study comparing the effects of sucrose, honey and a low glycemic index sugar-free diet, rats on the honey-based diet showed: decreased anxiety [and] better spatial recognition memory” (Fessenden, 2008). Sugar certainly does not have the reputation for lowering anxiety, unless the “sugar-high” a person experiences after a candy bar or soda counts. If sugar affects anxiety at all, it makes it worse because of the other problems that sugar can cause—such as weight gain and the fatigue that hits when the “sugar-high” crashes. Weight gain and so much fatigue that one cannot work or function is always cause for anxiety. Another reason that replacing sugar with honey could lower anxiety and improve memory is sugar can cause these very problems. In a human study, it was discovered that within three to six hours after ingesting two teaspoons of sugar people suffered the same problems as people under stress. “The same changes in the body chemistry that occur when we are angry or depressed occur after the ingestion of too much sugar” (Beckstrom, 1991, p. 28).
While honey can relieve the stress that sugar causes the body, it could also help people suffering from diabetes. Diabetes continually inflicts more people every year and is now affecting children. In a study with eight healthy subjects and seven patients with type 2 diabetes, it was found that honey was a better influence on blood sugar than sugar. The patients were given sugar, artificial honey or natural honey. In the healthy people, the natural honey actually lowered their blood sugar. Participants with type 2 diabetes who ate honey had a significantly lower rise in blood sugar compared to the other patients who ate sugar or artificial honey. (Al-Waili, 2004) Clearly, honey would be a better option than sugar for sweetening foods for diabetics. It may even be safe to conclude that honey could help prevent type 2 diabetes from occurring in healthy people because it will lower their blood sugar.
As diabetes forages through
Replacing sugar with honey sounds like a great idea but could be overwhelming if approached with too much zeal. Instead of quitting sugar all at once, it should be gradual process. Slowly adding honey and taking out sugar from one’s diet will eventually add up and make a big difference in health. Some suggestions from SuperFoods HealthStyle: Honey and fruit can be added to plain yogurt; oatmeal with honey instead of cold cereal can be eaten for breakfast; peanut butter sandwiches with honey and banana is a tasty meal; and honey can be added to tea. (Pratt & Matthews, 2006)
Honey can also be used in recipes. It is important to experiment and add it gradually to adapt to the taste. Honey is sweeter than sugar so less is used in recipes. The website worldshealthiestfoods.com offers many useful tips for substituting honey in recipes: Generally, substitute ½ to ¾ cup of honey for 1 cup of sugar. The sweetness of the honey will depend on the floral source the bees used. If only a tablespoon of honey is to replace the sugar, then the liquid in the recipe does not need to be adjusted. However, if the recipe calls for ½ cup of honey or more, then the liquid in the recipe should be adjusted. For every cup of honey that replaces sugar in a recipe, the liquid should be reduced by ¼ cup. Honey browns more easily than sugar, so the temperature on the oven needs to be reduced by 25 degrees. (Mateljan, 2008) Honey can be used successfully for beginners by only replacing half of the sugar in a recipe. For example if there is one cup of sugar called for in a recipe, ½ cup of sugar could be used and ¼ cup of honey.
When buying honey to eat or cook with the source should be considered. Not all honeys have the same nutritive qualities. Dark honey may be healthier than lighter colored honeys (Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week, 2004). In one study, “Illinois buckwheat honey, the darkest honey tested, had twenty times the antioxidant activity of California sage honey, one of the lightest-colored honeys tested” (Pratt & Matthew, 2006, p. 147). While all honey has nutritive properties, a recent study of Spanish honeydew honey (made from secretions insects leave on plants) has revealed that it contains even higher levels of antioxidant polyphenols than honey made from nectar (Perez, 2007). Unprocessed honeys have more nutrients than pasteurized honeys. Pasteurization kills many of the antioxidants, good bacteria and enzymes in the honey. Natural raw honey can be found locally at farmers markets.
Replacing sugar with honey is a giant step to improving one’s health. Eating honey is a way to fight disease and prolong life. Honey is full of antioxidants, live good bacteria, and enzymes, while sugar is only empty calories. However, the empty calories of sugar can wreak havoc on the human body by robbing important nutrients needed for digestion and preventing ultimate absorption of the nutrients found in healthful foods. Sugar increases cholesterol, anxiety, weight gain, cavities, headaches and fatigue. These conditions lead to diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Sugar is excessively consumed by Americans and is robbing them of needed nutrients while adding on pounds. In searching for a solution to health problems and weight gain, eliminating sugar and replacing it with honey should be considered. Sugar’s only benefit is taste. Honey tastes good too while providing a myriad of health benefits.
References:Al-Waili, N. S. (2004, Spring). Natural honey lowers plasma glucose, c-ractive protein, homocysteine, and blood lipids in healty, diabetic, and hyperlipidemic subjects: Comparison with dextrose and sucrose. Journal of Medical Food, 7(1), 100-107.
Turner, L. (2002, January 1). Sweet talk: Natural sugar alternatives. Better Nutrition, 64(12), 46.
The girls are good. Tonight about 8:00 PM Gracie went out the door to play and told me to have a nice day. She is so cute. Aliese is reading Twilight. I know some of you think that is probably not good, but Darin thought it would be fine, I think most of it will go over her head, and if it doesn't I am confident she will ask me about it and it will provide for a good teaching opportunity. Anna just turned 7. We gave her a new bedspread set, a lamp, and a joke book. Of course the joke book was her favorite. We are hoping her jokes improve. She is constantly making up jokes, that don't make any sense. All of the girls have scooters for the summer and are riding them everywhere. They started swimming lessons today, in an outdoor pool and almost froze, poor things. There is a chance of snow on Wednesday. I can't even come up with anything to say about that.
I'm hoping to do a little dejunking this next few weeks, and my personal goal is to exercise a whopping 15 minutes a day. That's how pathetic my exercise regimen became--it got down to nothing. I'd also like to read an easy feel good read. Any suggestions? I have also bought stuff to build a 6x6 foot sandbox. I'm excited.
I'm tired. Love you all. Hope to read all of your blogs tomorrow and catch up.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
It's 6:15 in the morning. I've been up for 2 hours! I haven't had a night with so little sleep since I was breastfeeding. Gracie had a rough night. I'm still not exactly sure why. Supposedly she had a tummy ache, but never threw up, and wouldn't eat anything. Then at 4:00, woke up when I tried to put her back to bed for the umpteenth time, she said her leg hurt, so I gave her some Motrin, rocked her back to sleep, and finally she sleeps, when I no longer can. I'm so tired but I don't think it would be worth it to sleep for 1 1/2 hours.
Anyway, this is so boring so far. Summer vacation is here. The summer season however, is being postponed. It's been raining, just like home: )
We decided to go unplugged for the summer, no TV, no movies. We are allowing one family movie night a week. That's it. Already the girls are getting along better. It helps to have cousins next door.
Good grief. Sorry. I'm so tired, I'm typing like a slug. Love you all and miss you. Sorry I haven't been reading your blogs, 1 1/2 more weeks, I'll be able to breathe again.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Loving Conducting
Presently listening to Micheal Buble, Call Me Irresponsible, my early Mother's Day present. Oooooooo I love it and it has been so long since I've had a new CD. For those of you who like him on the radio, those are his cross over songs. Meaning he's really jazz, and latin jazz. Awesome. I can't even hold still.
So I have 3 days until Summer term. I'm just so excited for Monday to go over to the College of Ed where there is no music--I can hardly wait (not!). Oh well. I'm going to love this weekend. Hopefully I don't have too many bad dreams about forgetting to practice for a whole semester or some other such nonsense, since I did my recitals years ago! When will I finally accept that. Maybe I'll do a little practicing this weekend for fun though, that usually cuts my bad dreams down. I must clarify--severely annoying dreams, that to me are nightmarish, though they wouldn't be to you.
Oh, this CD is good.....
So do you want to hear about more deals?! Of course you do.
Rite Aide: One of my new favorite stores--who knew?!
They are running a deal (I am seriously having hard time typing because of this CD....), when you transfer a prescription to their store they'll give you a $20 gift card, per patient. We have two separate people with a prescription at our house, so I got $40 in gift cards. Okay, so they're running another deal for Procter and Gamble products, which is tons of stuff. If you buy $30 worth of stuff they'll send you a $10 gift card. So I used my $40 gift cards, and coupons, combined with sales, and bought
1) 2 packages of Pampers
2) 1 package of Always feminine products
3) Herbal Essence Shampoo
4) Herbal Essence Hairspray
5) Cover Girl Blush
6) Cover Girl Eyeliner
7) 2 enormous bottles of Head and Shoulders, which we have to use all winter, because of climate, whenever I use something else, my head starts to itch!
After my gift cards I paid $2.41, for my items, plus I will get $10 in the mail! Plus $2 in rebates, so in reality, they will be paying me $9.60 to take those products off of my hands. They are really thoughtful don't you think? I also got some other great deals this week, which I'm too tired to share.
Question: Do I need to pay tithing, on my free products, extra gift cards I earn? I'm very confused. I do think it's an increase though. Please respond. I certainly don't want to cheat the Lord, and I know he will bless me.
The Host by our dear Stephanie Meyer is waiting for me. I need to get some things done first though. Blogging, top priority, since I feel so much closer to you all when I read and write them. Then the pig sty of a house we've been living in.
Got an A in percussion since I'm such a natural on the drums. He, he. One day when I was at the drum set (rock n roll drums) in front of my class, I was concentrating very hard on getting it right and my class, including professor, busted out laughing. And then the professor said, "Just put a cigarette in your mouth and you'd fit right in at a night club. You totally look the part." Ha. Who knew? I sure didn't know. My friends told me afterward that I was totally grooving. I told them I was actually counting 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and, right foot right hand... I was anything but grooving....
I really must go, read all of your blogs, and clean, and READ!!!!!
I can't believe how great I feel today. Most days really. I'm so blessed. I sure have doubted about this school thing, but the Lord has more than made up for the sacrifice. I don't know why I'm so surprised. So my advice--find something you love more than anything else, don't do what you hate, follow the Lord--even when it doesn't make sense, love your family and friends, take your meds if you need them, and everything will really work out. Actually it will be even better than work out, especially if you listen to good music while doing it all... like Michael Buble, my new crush.
Love you all.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Gracie, High School Choir, Coupons
So this fall I will be student teaching and one of my classes will be high school choir. Well, Firth hasn't had a successful (more than 2 people) choir in about 10 years. Because of this, choir is unfamiliar and has a stigma attached to it. So I decided to change that. Registration at the high school is in a few weeks and I decided to create some interest. I got a group together--6 girls and 6 guys and taught them a medley from Shrek. They had a great time and sounded great even though we only had 5 rehearsals. They sang at an assembly on Friday. It turned out awesome. Everyone loved it. Their parents came, and they loved it. Hopefully everyone will still remember it when they register. I had a great time with the kids. They were really great.
Coupons. Okay. So Darin and I had an unbelievable experience with buying soy milk at Freddies. I told my siblings about it and Danielle and Amy tried it too and it also worked for them. The milk was on sale for $1.25 a carton--a good deal. So I bought 2 cases--24 cartons. Well, after I bought them and my receipt printed it also printed tons and tons of coupons. One was specifically for soy milk and the others were for anything at Freddies. Well I went back and got more soy milk, used the coupons, and got more coupons. Now these coupons were good ones, $2 off your next purchase, or $2 off of 4 cartons. I couldn't seem to figure out how many I would get so I just kept buying, and when I got home to figure out how much I paid it was about 46 cents a carton--an amazing deal. Before this the cheapest we had ever paid was 92 cents a carton for the Kirkland brand. Well, Darin was determined to figure it out. The next week the cartons went down to $1 a carton. So Darin bought more. This time he figured out that if he bought 6 cartons he would get $6 worth of coupons. So after the first $6, everything is free and we just had to pay 6 cents a piece for tax. Well, we completely bought out everything they had 2x both in Idaho Falls and Pocatello. I have no idea how many we have. 100s for sure. Just in case you're wondering, we drink a lot of soy milk, and yes, we will drink it all before the expiration date in February. After this experience Darin and I were on a high. I would sit around and wonder if it was a once in a lifetime experience, or if we could find other deals like it. So I got online and found out with a little work, I could do similar things at other stores. I found a couple of great websites. On www.biblicalwomanhoodonline.com/blog.htm I discovered Crystal Paine, who is incredible and religious and wonderful in every way. Then she has another website www.moneysavingmom.com/.
So I have been reading and clipping coupons and went shopping for the first time this last Friday with Darin. So you can truly understand why I am going to all of this effort here is what I got for $12 at Walmart, using coupons.
1) 120 oz. of Mini Shredded Wheat, Malt o Meal brand (equivalent to 6 regular cereal boxes)
2) 2 boxes Honey Bunches of Oats (the new chocolate variety that has just as much protein and fiber and only 1 gram more of sugar than the regular Honey Bunches, it's really not that chocolaty, but my kids feel pretty special)
3) 1 lb of strawberries
4) travel size Kleenex
5) 1 can organic tomatoes, Muir Glen brand
6) 4 packages of flushable wipes (for the potty training)
7) 1 box Noodle Roni
8) 2 boxes Kashi crackers (a health food brand)
$12 for all of that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We were so excited. Then we went to Rite Aide and bought a special hair product especially designed for curling hair, some loose face powder for me, and a nice toothbrush--all for FREE because of mail in rebates. Darin sent the rebates in online as soon as we got home. So all it will cost us is tax. And I'm really excited about the hair product, because Anna has a dance recital this week, and her hair is so hard to curl, I'm hoping this will help. (Curly hair is literally required, and part of the "uniform")
So today after church Darin and I clipped our coupons, looked at the ads and made a plan for this week. I am passed being embarrassed and am now a proud coupon clipper! I hope this is not a fleeting hobby. At least until we get some bills paid. Also--I forgot. Aliese needed some new Sunday shoes, so we went to DI and got a brand new pair of leather shoes for $5. Definitely had never been worn. She loves them too. Size 4 in women's!!! Yikes she's getting old.
Darin has always been extremely cheap and not ashamed, I'm finally catching on. It only takes a few times of getting an amazing deal (like soy milk for 6 cents a carton) or that list at Walmart for $12 to be convinced.
I am being summoned to go watch a softball game over at Brandt's. Playing sports on Sunday seems to be a major part of keeping the Sabbath day holy around here.
Love you all.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Wishing Upon a Star
Update. Still playing percussion, and now playing the saxophone--way easier than the clarinet--no comparison. Started pasting my pictures in an album, so excited, I was listening to MOTAB singing "When you Wish Upon a Star" and then before I was even a quarter of the way through my pictures I ran out of the sticky things. Looked all over the house in all of my girls scrapbooking kits --no more sticky things! I debated over using tape, and decided against it. So I was really mad for a while, until I started reading blogs. Blogs. So fun. How empty our lives must have been before blogging. So Lizzie tagged all of us. Here it goes. I really enjoyed reading Lizzie's.
How did you meet your spouse? Provo, BYU, Campus Plaza, in front of Darin's apartment. He asked me, "Is that the real color of your eyes?" To this day he insists it wasn't a line but totally and utterly sincere.
Where did you go on your first date? He asked me to go ice blocking and I turned him down flat. "I don't do dangerous things, " states Rebecca. "It's not dangerous," replies Darin. "Everything is dangerous for me," insists Rebecca.
So he took me miniature golfing instead. We doubled with a very grumpy couple, so after golfing, we dropped them off and went out to ice cream at Carousel. Then we went back to Campus Plaza and talked in his car until 2:00 in the morning. We honestly couldn't stop talking.
How long have you been together? 11 years. Wow.
Who eats more? Darin eats more at one time, I snack more.
Who said I love you first? I did. Darin told me later on that same day immediately after our first french kiss. He insists that is not true, but I know it is.
Who is taller? Darin
Who sings better? I don't know. I know more about singing, but Darin has the biggest set of lungs, and the hugest range. He can be very entertaining. Especially at dinner.
Who is smarter? I don't know about that. Grammer--Darin, Math--Me, Music--Me, Science--Darin (by 100xs), Politics and History--same, Literature--Me. I.Q.--According to Darin--him and Aliese, then me.
Who does the laundry? Both. I sort, and spray with Shout on every conceivable stain, and start it, but Darin usually keeps it going. However, he does it my way (this took many years), and occasionally when I don't have time, he will give up and do the sorting and spotting himself, which is really a small miracle when I think of the way he did laundry when we got married. Darin usually folds, and I put away, it's a real team effort.
Who does the dishes? Me. Darin used to do so many more, but he will help when I ask him to. He is always good at putting his own dishes in the dishwasher though. The girls put away the dishes.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Darin.
Who pays the bills? Darin. If I did he would be looking over my shoulder the whole time.
Who mows the lawn? Darin, and I am so grateful. We have so much lawn, and will have even more over the next few years. It takes hours. I have never once mowed the lawn. I have a vague recollection of trying to do it once as a teenager, that's as far as my mowing experience goes.
Who cooks dinner? Me, my friends, and Darin. Another group effort. I belong to the world's greatest freezer club. We all cook 2 entrees for each other, meet once a month and trade. I end up with 8 meals a month from my friends, and several that I made and froze. Then depending on the day, Darin will put it in the oven, or I will. On Sundays we always have roast and mashed potatoes, Darin makes the potatoes. Thank goodness. I personally think making mashed potatoes on Sunday is breaking the Sabbath for me, because I hate it so much.
Who drives when you are together? Darin. Always. I never drive. Not even on the way to Oregon. It's a beautiful thing being a passenger, I love it.
Who is more stubborn? Neither. We really aren't. We compromise a lot. I think we both are lucky in that the things we feel really strongly about, we agree on.
Who is the first to admit when they’re wrong? Oh good grief. Me.
Who kissed who first? I suppose I waited for him to kiss me. However I was tempting him with every skill I could muster. It was less than a week after our first date.
Who proposed? Darin I guess. But the poor guy asked me what I would do if he didn't propose and I flipped out and stormed down the beach away from him, and he ran to catch up and then proposed (a few minutes too late), and I said, "So is this for real, or are you just teasing me." So he proposed, but I kind of forced him into it.
Who is more sensitive? Me. He is very sensitive for a man, but still a man.
Who has more friends? Me. I love to talk and meet people, have parties. Darin lives next door to his best friend though. Lucky duck.
Who has more siblings? Me.
Who wears the pants? Darin. But I'm trying to learn from Lizzie and her ways. She could write a book on how to be a good wife, but always get your way. She is the master.
So I went and got Gracie a haircut yesterday. It needed to happen. I wish I would've done it before our trip, the pictures would've been better. Tip for the future-- get haircuts before trip! Anyway, I couldn't handle it anymore and so I told our hair person to do a bob. It's layered, its short, I will never have to fix it, and it looked 10xs better and thicker. So here she is.







I love you all. I'm so glad it's the weekend. So grateful for weekends.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
I recently returned (on Saturday, but this is the first chance I've had to blog) from 5 wonderful and fabulous days in
Starting with the truly most magical--
1) Monday night staying at the park with Anna alone for the fireworks where they repeat, "Dreams come true" like a mantra, and then walking down Main Street and her saying in a dreamy, hopeful, half afraid to ask way, "Mama, do dreams really come true?"
2) On our last day (having already gotten autographs and pictures with Cinderella, Jasmine, Snow White, Belle, and Ariel) running into Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) unexpectedly, getting pictures and autographs and Aliese holding her autograph book close to her heart, letting out a big sigh and saying with a twinkle in her eye, "I'm so relieved. I was so worried we wouldn't get to see her."
3) And last, but surely not the least, watching Ariel sing Part of Your World on top of her gorgeous float, and then look down at my Gracie, who had dirty stringy hair in her eyes, chocolate ice cream all over her face and shirt, and a snot nose to boot, but nevertheless, waving and smiling with all the excitement of being 20 feet from Ariel, look down at Gracie and say with all the sweetness, sincerity and grace of a perfect princess, in front of hundreds of people, into her microphone, "Oh, your so cute!" Gracie knew Ariel was talking to her. It was possibly the most magical experience of my life and I almost cried. Truly the happiest place on earth.
The most exciting experiences with rides--
1) Ridemax, ridemax, ridemax. Saved our hinies during one of the busiest weeks at
2) Getting up at the crack of dawn to beat the crowds and then truly beating the crowds.
3) Doing fantasyland everyday in under an hour because we were there so early.
4) Gracie going on Dumbo 8 times and loving it more each time.
5) Going on the Go Go Coaster 3 times in a row in Toon Town, because it was the most thrilling ride my girls had ever gone on.
6) Riding Finding Nemo, first thing in the morning with almost no line, because Lizzie ran all the way there from the gate, in her flip flops, pushing a stroller, that we found out had locked wheels the whole time. Simply amazing. The ride normally has 2-3 hour wait. We felt like royalty the rest of the week. "Oh, yea, we rode Nemo, with almost no line. Yea it was amazing. You have to go really early in the morning. It's the only way." We thought we were cool.
7) The girls finally braving Splash Mountain on the last day. They loved it of course, dughhhhhhh, wish we could have talked them into it sooner.
Food Highlights--
1) The Blue Bayou in Pirates. So delicious, so much atmosphere.
2) The chocolate muffins at the bakery-perfect.
3) Fresh sourdough rolls at the nice restaurants.
4) Pooh Corner, unfortunately discovered our last day. Best treats in the park. Best cookies, fudge galore. Yum. I'm hungry.
Character Highlights--
1) Princess Luncheon in Ariel's Grotto. We met Cinderella, Ariel, Snow White, Belle, and Jasmine. Gracie talked about "my Snow White" all through lunch. They were all so beautiful, gracious and kind. We got autographs and pictures with all of them.
2) Minney and Mickey. Truly the stars of Disneyland. Fabulous, adorable. We all fell in love with them. Gracie didn't even know who they were, but after she met them, and got hugs from Minnie, it was "where's my Mickey, where's my Minnie?" the rest of the week.
1) Wow. In a word--perfect. The fireworks, both parades, Fantasimic, and Alladin. We did them all and I couldn't tell you which one was my fav. They were all exquisite.
Other special highlights--
1) Mom being with us.
2) Mom taking her camera and using it almost every 5 minutes!
3) Everyone being so nice. The employees at Disneyland, the other families at the park, the people we met in line and on the bus. Truly, everyone there was so nice.
4) The wishing well by the castle that sang "I'm Wishing" from Snow White.
5) The castle at night when it turned pink.
6) Drinking in the fragrance of the flowers at California Disney.
7) Beautiful music everywhere, and I mean everywhere!
8) Main Street at night.
9) The candy shop and their almond roca.
10) And finally, Anna saying wistfully as we were leaving the park for the last time on Friday, "I don't want to leave this place."
Love you all. Mom or I will post pics later. I don't have them yet.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Nothing exciting
All of this quality time in bed has given me the opportunity to explore the Hallmark channel. I have watched many episodes of 7th Heaven, and Little House on the Prairie, or Little Blouse on the Fairy, as Darin calls it. I can't believe how many years that show ran. I've been watching the later episodes.
I have also been obsessing over trying to plan the perfect trip to Disneyland. I have done every search on google that I can think of to help me plan the perfect trip. Any tips? We will be there a week from Monday. We'll spend Easter at Lizzie's and then onto Disneyland. I am so excited. I am at least as excited as the girls, maybe more so.
School, hmmmmmm, didn't really go this week, so there is nothing to say.
This is a very boring blog. I wish there was something fun to say, but there isn't. I'm way excited for the reunion. I haven't been camping since we had Gracie. Ah, and camping in Oregon will be very different from camping in Idaho. Idaho--dry, barren, brown. Oregon--lots of water, lush, green. Sounds great.
I also watched the Masterpiece Theater version of Jane Eyre again. It is my new favorite thing, I think Anne Shirely will have to take a second row seat for a while. There isn't anyone like Jane. If you haven't seen this version, you can get it off of Netflicks, it is 4 long, wonderful hours. Oh, so good, so romantic. Of course the book is better, and way more romantic, but the movie is very much worth watching.
Speaking of romance........
Edward, Bella, Jacob, Bella, oh the drama. Darin finished them finally. It took him two weeks! I thought he would never finish. Anyway, who is for Edward, and who is for Jacob? Both Darin and I are for Jacob. It is completely obvious why, and that Stephanie Meyer is going to end it that way. Otherwise Bella will have to become a vampire, and then she will be a blood sucking murderer for a few years, or want to be one under lock and key--unless Edward somehow becomes mortal, that would be great, but even cheesier than it already is, so I don't think that'll happen. Does the book come out before the reunion? I can't believe we forgot to talk about it at the funeral, of course Danielle wasn't there so it wouldn't have been fair. Okay, so of the men-- Who reads, and who is going to read the Twilight books?! You are only missing out if you choose not to read them, have you read them Amy? Oh I hope so, if not--Spring Break, you have too.
Getting tired, so love you all, back to bed I go.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Anna, Oh Dear
So Aliese just came to me and asked, "How can I help people?" I say,"What people?" She says,"Poor people." I have to rat on my daughter's goodness. She donated some of her own money to humanitarian aide and perpetual education fund last year. She has already started donating this year, in addition to tithing and savings. She's an amazing girl. So after she asked me what she could do, I told her to continue donating, but she told me she wanted to do more. I told her for family night we could go to the humanitarian aide center in Idaho Falls. I have never been there, and of course it is my lovely daughter that will drag me there the first time, instead of myself. At the humanitarian aide center they supplies to make needed items for people all over the world. She has such a good heart. She has learned some hard lessons this year about friendship. All of the girls she invited to her birthday party (less than a month ago), which all came, and may I say was perhaps the coolest 10 year birthday party ever (at least in Firth) have completely ditched her. They have been cruel. Don't ask her about it though. She is trying to move on. She had a successful playdate yesterday. She asked someone who isn't in the popular crowd. Finally. I have been trying to get her to invite people that she'll have a little more success with. Well this girl was a real sweetheart. A little shy, and different, just like Aliese. Aliese is different because she has no desire to do sports, or do dance, writes books for fun, is the oldest child which makes her a little awkward socially, (I've observed the more popular kids are never the oldest). This girl is hispanic, not LDS and very poor--not the norm in Firth. We drove out to timbucktoo to get her. Her mother doesn't speak a word of English, and is afraid to drive. They live in a house(shack) next door to the "boss". It is a farm. Anyway, they had fun, I hope it is a start. Aliese hasn't even noticed any of their differences, and I would love it if they became close. They both have stick straight hair, and wear glasses. Another way Aliese is different from other kids is she is nice. I have learned, being nice as a kid doesn't necessarily pay off. It does later on in life, but being a kid is hard. I have a feeling that Lizeth is nice as well. I hope my instincts are correct. Otherwise I guess Aliese will start over again trying to find a friend. I never realized making a friend for some people is an actual project.
On a lighter note, I taught dancing in my classes last week at the elementary school. I am done with my little stint of student teaching. Wow I learned a lot. So the lower grades didn't mind at all holding hands with the opposite sex. But I thought it was going to kill the 4th grade. They seemed so grossed out with each other. I couldn't decide if it was because they were really grossed out, or if they secretly were just embarrassed. I asked Aliese why she didn't want to hold their hands, and she gave me the look,"Are you serious, duh!" and then she said with the most put out face, "Mom, they pick their nose!"
Darin went to the State playoffs for basketball, in Boise, rooting for Firth of course. Evidently, the fans watch all the teams, all day for two days, so they know what their team is up against! All day, two days, on bleachers, watching high school boys that you don't know. Most of Firth was there, with all their kids! I'm the weird one. So Darin went with Brandt, Sayre, and Cooper. Doesn't sound like any fun to me. When he was packing Gracie asked, "Packing for Disneylan?" She is very excited to go to "Disneylan". We look at the rides online nearly everyday. Darin finished the first book in the Twilight series, he's on the second presently! Hehe. Darin reading a high school romance. Wow. The power of Stephanie Meyer. I knew he would love them, and finally told him in a very firm voice that he had to read them, no if ands or buts! So he finally gave in and will be thanking me for the rest of his life. Another humorous thing about my husband, we are still listening to a Christmas CD. Every Sunday he puts on Sissel singing with the MOTAB (Mormon Tabernacle...) Every week I say, "Darin, it's a Christmas CD!" He replies, "But it is a good CD." I can't disagree, so right now I am listening to Angels We Have Heard on High, because it is a "good CD".
School. Not much more to say about that.
Tisha. My bookclub book this month. A true story. Told in first person. Very good. But frustrating. About Alaska. This is the second book I have read about Alaska and so far I am not impressed. The people that live there are very annoying, but anyone who would live in Alaska by choice doesn't seem very bright to me. The person it is about is amazing, it is everyone else that drove me off the cliff!
I was just informed that it is always me everyone waits on to go to church and that I need to get off. I miss you, love you all. Once again, Jake, so glad you're blogging!