Friday, August 15, 2008

Love you all

I know, two posts in one evening. I amaze even myself. But I just finished reading everyone's blogs for the first time in 2 1/2 months and they were all so wonderful. I just love you all so much. Thank you for blogging and sharing your life with me. I'm sorry I'm not a more regular reader and poster. I suppose I'm just sporadic in general. But I just had to do this little post to tell my family how privileged I feel to be in your life, to have you in my life. You inspire me, make me laugh (which I always need) and make me want to be a better person. I love the pictures, and know I need to do better. I will try to post some pictures on Sunday. Take care. Love you all and always missing you.......


Megan and Greg said...

THat was so sweet. Thank you. I love you too. And am grateful you're in my life. I love having you as a sister.


Well I just read both of your blogs. I love you so much, and am so grateful that you are in my life. Loved both the posts. I'm sorry you had to clean up some classrooms or something? Were you getting them ready to teach in? You got A's because you are smart! I'm so happy for you! I LOVED what Gracie said about the lip gloss, I love her so much, I wish I coudl hold her. I hope all my girls are like gracie. I love you.

Steve/Dad/Grandpa said...

Congratulations on your A's. That is quite an accomplishment for as busy a life that you live. I love you.