I'm so ready for Christmas break. For a number of obvious reasons, more sleep (naps, I can hardly wait), healthier food (I know what you're thinking, but I have no where to go but up once I have a break from school, I think I'll go buy some oranges), no school, no commuting, more time with the girls, more time with Darin, more time studying the scriptures and fun books (instead of school books), baking and finishing up Christmas stuff. We're going to the cabin for 5 days after Christmas. I've already gotten Darin to commit to leaving his laptop at home. That is what he did last year. It was 5 days of reading, sleeping, movies, and snow. I can't wait. I think it was perhaps the most relaxing 5 days for all of us that we've ever had. Right now I am listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, last years Christmas CD with Sissel. If you want to treat yourself, this is the one. Oh, I just love it.
So to update on my last blog. Thank you for all of your thoughtful and kind responses. I did have a meeting with the superintendent and middle school principal who is my biggest advocate, and it went really well. All the details aren't worked out yet. But hopefully they will be soon, like in a week or two. First is it legal to student teach as a real teacher and get paid? They need to get a grant to be able to pay me because of our shrinking student population. They predict letting go of 1-2 teachers for next year. So if they do get the grant, will the state pay for a student teacher? Then if they won't pay for a student teacher, but they will pay for a certified teacher then is it legal for me to student teach without a supervising teacher in the room? These are the details that need to be worked out. However, they want me, they want music, they want part time for now (thank goodness). They are very willing to let me do my student teaching there as long as we can figure out the legalities.
My ward choir sang sleigh ride at the ward party this week. It went fabulous, more than anything the choir had so much fun doing it. We had about 45 people sing. We have been having 40+ people at rehearsal every week. Especially since we sang Come Thou Fount. Everyone flipped out about that one. I am so blessed. It is the best calling in the church. My choir members are so wonderful. We will be singing Oh Holy Night, and What Child Is This? for Dec. sacrament meetings. I'm excited. Everyone loves Christmas music. Especially the traditional songs, that everyone knows. I am also directing the children's choir for the Community Christmas Concert in Firth. I have had two rehearsals so far. I hope I haven't already blogged this. Oh well. I had 48 kids at this week's rehearsal. 29 girls, and 19 boys. Grades 3rd-8th. The girls were so wonderful. The naughtiest boys were my nephew, and the son of one of my best friends--Joan. I don't understand boys. I don't have any, only had one brother. It is a bit of concern to me, but I try to just go into my mom mode and snap my finger, point, give the "look", and they shape pretty fast. The thing I don't get about them is that they are very obedient, when I ask them to be, but become disobedient very quickly. The other thing about the boys that is very annoying and I will need to figure out is that they all think that their voices have changed and that they can't sing as high as the girls. Oh please. If they are lucky they will start going through puberty in 8th grade, but according to Darin it doesn't really happen until around 15. So I have little boys, trying to sing like men, and they sound like raspy smokers, because they are trying so hard to sing low. It is pathetic. Is it that they don't want to be like the girls, or that they want to be older than they are. The girls are angels, as usual, I love the girls. But I have to confess, the boys crack me up, and I enjoy them as much, they are just more exhausting.
Gracie is growing up so fast all of the sudden. She is learning new words everyday. She is hard to understand, but is getting more expressive everyday. Last night, I took the girls up to read scriptures and go to bed. Usually she follows, but she was playing. Well, we were up there for about 10 minutes, and we had just finished scriptures and were still in my bed, when Gracie came up. She dropped her jaw in disbelief and with very big eyes asked,"Guys! Wai fo me?" Meaning,"Why didn't you wait for me?" So cute. I just love her and wish she would stop growing. She is my little sweet potato and we love to be together. I can't wait until Christmas break, so I don't have to drop her off at Gabe's (Joan's) anymore. 3 whole weeks!
I joined a freezer cooking club last month. We're having our second trade today. It has been such a blessing. We started with 5 people, and we each cooked enough of two different meals to give one to each person and ourselves, so 5x each recipe basically. Wow, good cooks. Unfortunately, two of our ladies (who I don't understand), dropped out. So that left three of us, Des (just love her), and Donnette (a fabulous cook). So this month we will be bringing 3 different meals for everyone. So including the meals I made, I will be getting 9 meals. These are nice meals too. I highly recommend it, however, I realize everyone doesn't want to be just like me, just most people (just kidding, he he he).
I love you all. Merry Christmas. I miss you. I really do plan on getting new batteries for my camera soon, and will take some pics. Bye.