Saturday, March 28, 2009

David Copperfield

Today I did laundry, more laundry, and then some more laundry. While I was folding (and cleaning my room, which is no small incident) I watched Masterpiece Theater's David Copperfield starring the very young Daniel Radcliffe (spelling?). For the poor unfortunate souls out there who do not know what Masterpiece Theater is- it is exactly what the name implies. It airs on PBS every Sunday night. They take a classic novel (a masterpiece) and turn it into a movie. They do an excellent job. So if you don't want to read a 900 page novel from the eighteen century but you want a little culture than you should give Masterpiece Theater a try. Occasionally, and I really mean occasionally (hardly ever) they have something really distasteful. But usually they are so clean, so beautiful, and so compelling. We love them. Anyway....David Copperfield is my all time favorite novel by Charles Dickens and the movie is very true to the book. It is four hours long so it got me through mountains of laundry.



that is wonderful. I wonder if we have that channel. That's great you got so much laundry done. I always feel so accomplished after doing clothes. I love you.

Danielle said...

How nice. Folding clothes is not fun. I love you.

Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

so cool!! I need to try that now that we have dvr. love you!!

Lizzie said...

I wish Shad and I were a bit more cultured like you and Darin. (and enjoyed it) I'm pretty sure you got more of that gene from Mom and Dad.

I'm so glad you are blogging. It was a real treat to see your posts...seriously. Love you.

Grandma, Nonnie said...

I love you and I am glad you are blogging, I love DC and I love OPBS and you have it Amy it is Oregon Public broadcasting. I haven't watched the Masterpiece Theater for a long time but they are great, and grandpa and I love them. We love old plays and new ones. We went to see South Pacfic last summer, it cost a lot but was worth every penny. We sometimes go the the cottage theater in Cottage Grove. It is a wonderful old building and lots of neat plays, and the price is right. Usually local talent, and good. Sounds like you are getting caught up. Love you lots grams

Megan and Greg said...

David COpperfield, that's on MOm and I's booklist. Now I'm excited to read it! I thought he was a real person that lived right now! I'm glad it's good! Laundry- uh- atleast you got to do something during it. Love you.

Megan said...


I was thinking about you tonight and started looking for you online. I found your blog and loved reading it--so refreshing to hear your thoughts. If you remember me =)and read this post (a long shot, since it looks like you haven't had time/energy to post in a long while), email me! Or look me up on Facebook. I would so love to be in touch with you again. From reading your blog, it sounds like we are still kindred spirits. =)

Much love,
Megan Knight Pettus