Thursday, March 13, 2008

Nothing exciting

I've been in bed essentially since Saturday night. That is uuuuuuuuuuuu, 5 days, including today. I tried to go to church on Sunday, and came home immediately after I arrived at the church and found subs for my callings. I tried to go to class on Monday, I drove all the way to Pocatello just to attend half a class and leave early. So if you haven't had this horrendous cold yet, drink your water, sleep and pray that you don't get sick.

All of this quality time in bed has given me the opportunity to explore the Hallmark channel. I have watched many episodes of 7th Heaven, and Little House on the Prairie, or Little Blouse on the Fairy, as Darin calls it. I can't believe how many years that show ran. I've been watching the later episodes.

I have also been obsessing over trying to plan the perfect trip to Disneyland. I have done every search on google that I can think of to help me plan the perfect trip. Any tips? We will be there a week from Monday. We'll spend Easter at Lizzie's and then onto Disneyland. I am so excited. I am at least as excited as the girls, maybe more so.

School, hmmmmmm, didn't really go this week, so there is nothing to say.

This is a very boring blog. I wish there was something fun to say, but there isn't. I'm way excited for the reunion. I haven't been camping since we had Gracie. Ah, and camping in Oregon will be very different from camping in Idaho. Idaho--dry, barren, brown. Oregon--lots of water, lush, green. Sounds great.

I also watched the Masterpiece Theater version of Jane Eyre again. It is my new favorite thing, I think Anne Shirely will have to take a second row seat for a while. There isn't anyone like Jane. If you haven't seen this version, you can get it off of Netflicks, it is 4 long, wonderful hours. Oh, so good, so romantic. Of course the book is better, and way more romantic, but the movie is very much worth watching.

Speaking of romance........

Edward, Bella, Jacob, Bella, oh the drama. Darin finished them finally. It took him two weeks! I thought he would never finish. Anyway, who is for Edward, and who is for Jacob? Both Darin and I are for Jacob. It is completely obvious why, and that Stephanie Meyer is going to end it that way. Otherwise Bella will have to become a vampire, and then she will be a blood sucking murderer for a few years, or want to be one under lock and key--unless Edward somehow becomes mortal, that would be great, but even cheesier than it already is, so I don't think that'll happen. Does the book come out before the reunion? I can't believe we forgot to talk about it at the funeral, of course Danielle wasn't there so it wouldn't have been fair. Okay, so of the men-- Who reads, and who is going to read the Twilight books?! You are only missing out if you choose not to read them, have you read them Amy? Oh I hope so, if not--Spring Break, you have too.

Getting tired, so love you all, back to bed I go.


Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

I'm a Jacob fan! I haven't red Jane Eyre in a lot of years. I have a very fond spot in my heart for it, sooooo it looks like I need to read it again and remember why it touches my heart so! Enjoyed our talk today. I love you!!!

Grandma, Nonnie said...

I am for Jacob, then I think these books will finally make more sense for me. Notice I said sense, not romance. They are well written and they are very romanic also. Love Jane Eyre and it is probably one of my favorites. Speaking of Little House, did you ever read the books they are good or so I remember. Sorry you have that cold, I think everyone I know has had it or is having it. It was why I ended up on the prednisone. Now I understand why people take drugs, I had lots of energy and no pain anywhere for about a month. Wow I had forgotten what it was like to be 30 again. Of course you can't take it as it is really BAD for the body, Unfortunatly I now am back to my normal pain and no energy self: ( Oh well so much for drugs, for that is what it is. Hope you get back to school next week and over the cold. Much Love grandma


Well Rebecca first of all- I have been tested a million times to see if I'm anemic. However I haven't been tested.... since possibly since my marriage- but people always asked me that since highschool- and I kept getting tests like every year it seemd like- and in Utah- so I just gave up- adn now when I hear that I just think- no i'm not! I've had a million tests! I suppose all of a sudden I could be. I am really white. Tonight at enrichment someday told me i looked like snow-white. Don't some people have really white skin? it is winter time- I'm not tan at all in teh winter time- I don't know- what do you think after all this information? I never think your blogs are boring- I've been wanting to hear from you for a long time- I am so sorry you have been sick- I think everyone in the family has had this cold. We must have passed it to eachother through the phone line. Lizzie, you, mom, me, megan- i don't know about danielle. I am so sorry- I hate being sick. I don't know about you- but when I'm sick I wonder if I'm dying- and I feel so weak- and I don't feel like I can even get up to get adrink of water- and mike just rolls his eyes at me. I'm a big baby when i'm sick- but I really have thsoe feelings when I'm sick! I am so jealous taht you are going to disney land- adn with your girls- I think it would be more fun to go with the girls because you get to see their reactions to everything. They are going to love it so much. Is Lizzie going also? Mike made no bake cookies and it was your recipie- and they turned out awful- and he's like "that is not a good recipie" and tehn we looked at the spatula he used- and it was half way gone- half of it melted into the ingredients- SICK!!!!!!!!!!!! I have not read the twilight books and I will not read any other book but a text book until I'm done with college- I have a long list of books to read when I graduate- harry potter, twilight, chronicles of narnia, and random books that have been recommended. I haven't read any Jane eyre books. I read SO MUCH- when I have a break- I have no desire to read- I want to rest my eyes! I will read when I'm done with college- it's just the last thing I want to do when I get a break. You have no idea how much I haev to read....everyday! I've neer seen Jane Eyre, what version is it? I'd love to rent it. Mike LOVES to read, he has read the lord of the rings a million times- and teh hobbit- and he's reading them again right now- he LOVES to read- and reads every night before he goes to bed- it would take an arm and a leg and the rest of his body to have him pick up the twilight books just because he is rebellious that way, (reading something that EVERYONE would want him to read- and the fact that theyre romances) BUT- I know if he did read them- he woudl love them because he does love romance- but the kind of romance that he likes is- pride and predjucde and sense and senseability- he hasn't really liked any of the modern day chickflicks- only a few. strange. anyway- take lots of pictures at disney land- I want to see everysingle one!

Danielle said...

Hi, I tried commenting the day you posted this but it wouldn't work. Anyway- I'm sorry you're so sick! If you are still sick and it is too much for us to come over on sunday, just let me know, I will understand. It is really funny- the ONLY people I've ever talked to that want Jacob- are in my family. Every other person, which are many, is for Edward. I think that she would dissapoint a lot of women who are inlove with Edward if it ended with Jacob; although, I am very confident she could turn it around and cause us to all be rooting for Jacob. Who knows. Authors can do amazing things. I personally, vote for Edward even if it comes down to making it downright cheesy. Also, one person mentioned that Bella is very different than most people. She reacts differently to the vampires powers. They don't take as much affect on her as others. Could it be possible the vampire powers and hungers wouldn't have as much affect on her? Who knows. Anyway. The book comes out in august, we will have to just discuss possibilities at the reunion- which will be even better! I love you!!! Let me know if you can't do dinner sunday.